House Units
Type: Battlefield Support Missile
House: Harkonnen
Requires: The Harkonnen Palace
Range: N/A - Speed: 700 km/h
Armor: N/A
Purpose: The Death Hand Carries high explosive atomic warheads. It's multiple warheads can inflict great damage across a wide range.
Type: Advanced Battle Tank
House: Harkonnen
Requires: Heavy Factory and lx Research Center
Range: Medium - Speed: 30 km/h
Armor: The Devastator is very resistant to bullet and high explosives, but vulnerable to missiles and high caliber guns.
Purpose: The Devastator is the most powerful tank on Dune - powerfully effective against most units, but slow - and slow to fire. Using forbidden Atomic technology, the Devastator fires dual plasma charges and may become unstable during combat. Note: The Devastator Unit can be deployed on a suicide mission to self destruct - damaging surrounding units.
Type: Battlefield Support Vehicle
House: Ordos
Requires: Heavy Factory and lx Research Center
Range: Medium ñ Speed: 30 km/h
Armor: Medium ñ The Deviator is vulnerable to most types of weapons, though high caliber guns are slightly less effective at attacking this unit.
Purpose: The Deviator causes no physical damage, but discharges a gaseous cloud that interferes with vehicle controls and turns them upon themselves temporarily changing the allegiance of the targeted unit to that of the firing unit. Personnel are not effected by the cloud.
Missile Tank
Type: Battlefield Support Vehicle
House: Atreides, Harkonnen (House Ordos may purchase Missile Tanks from the Starport.)
Requires: Upgraded Heavy Factory and IX Research Center.
Range: Long ñ Speed: 40 km/h
Armor: Medium. Missile Tanks are vulnerable to most types of weapons, though high caliber guns are slightly less effective.
Purpose: The Missile Tank is similar to the Rocket Turret and moves more rapidly than the heavier battle tanks. The Missile Tank is AA capable and effective against most vehicles though vulnerable to infantry.
Sonic Tank
Type: Advanced Battle Tank
House: Atreidis
Requires: Heavy Factory and IX Research Center
Range: Medium ñ Speed: 44 km/h
Armor: Medium. They are very resistant to bullets and high explosives, but vulnerable to missiles and high caliber guns.
Purpose: The Sonic Tank uses sound waves to fire a powerful blast of sonic energy at its target. The Sonic Tank is most effective against infantry and light armored vehicles. However, the Sonic Tank will damage all units in its firing path ñ friend or foe.
Type: Attack Aircraft
House: Atreidis
Requires: Upgraded High Tech Factory
Range: N/A ñ Speed: 340 km/h
Armor: They are vulnerable to missiles and can only be hit by AA weapons.
Purpose: The fastest aircraft on Dune, the Ornithopter is lightly armored and capable of dropping 500lb bombs. This unit is most effective against infantry and unarmored targets, but also damages armored targets. Note: Once the player selects the target of the air strike, the Ornithopter will automatically attack it.
Type: Light Recon/Strike Vehicle
House: Atreides, Harkonnen
Requires: Light Factory
Range: Short ñ Speed: 72 km/h
Armor: Light . Trikes are vulnerable to most types of weapon, though high caliber guns are slightly less effective against them.
Purpose: Trikes are lightly armored, three wheeled vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns effective against infantry and unarmored vehicles.
Type: Quick Strike Vehicle/ Light Recon
House: Ordos
Requires: Light Factory
Range: Short ñ Speed 90 km/h
Armor: Light. Raiders are vulnerable to most types of weaponry, though high caliber guns are slightly less effective.
Purpose: Enhanced firepower, speed and armor make the Raider a more powerful and maneuverable scout than a Trike. With dual 20mm cannons, Raiders are most effective against infantry and unarmored vehicles.
House: Atreides
Requires: Atreides Palace
Range: Medium ñ Speed: 17 km/h (on foot)
Armor: Medium. Freman Units are resistant to anti-tank weapons, but very vulnerable to high explosives, fire and bullet weapons.
Purpose: Freman are the native, dessert warriors of Dune. The Freman familiarity with desert terrain make these elite fighters a difficult adversary. Their firepower affects infantry and armored targets to the same degree. Note: Freman are Stealth Units. They only become visible when they fire or come into range of another Infantry Unit.
Type: Species Forces
House: Ordos
Requires: Ordos Palace
Range: N/A (must enter any target) ñ Speed: 15 km/h (on foot)
Armor: Light. The Sabateur is resistant to anti-tank weaponry but very vulnerable to high explosives, fire and bullet weapons.
Purpose: The Sabateur is a special military unit acquired by House Ordos. A single Sabateur can destroy any enemy buildings once he moves into them.